Nightmare Traders Story

The best traders story is the one that leads to success

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Nightmare Traders Story

Jon's story is likely to impact you...

My Name is Martin Cole … I wasn't always a successful trader. In fact, I was a miserable failure. That was until I discovered what had gotten Jon into this terrible situation in the first place.

So, how important was this discovery?

Well, you can be the judge in a few moments, but I can tell you that I was featured in a leading trading magazine and a national UK newspaper not long after. What was I doing to cause that publicity?

I'm going to share that with you in this video.

Soon after publication, people came knocking. They wanted me to train them how to make money in financial markets.

I thought that would be cool, so I started holding trading courses in live markets with real money on the line.

It was during one of these courses when the nightmare story came out.

During break time, without warning, one of the attendees confessed to the room that he had lost £80,000, which is about $110,000. Pretty horrific, right?

However, what he said next was a real shocker

"My wife doesn't know, and it was everything in our retirement fund."

You could have heard a pin drop in the room.

After the shock passed, the other attendees, out of compassion, started suggesting what Jon could do

"You have to tell your wife."

"You better plan for a divorce."

"Your kids are going to hate you."

It was a terrible situation, and I found it quite upsetting. I imagined him telling his wife. And then it hit me!

I suddenly realised I wasn't 100% in the room. What I mean by that is that whilst my live training was the absolute best, and everyone was delighted with their outcomes, I had become a bit machine-like in its delivery. I admit that I was… let us say… a little over-focused on the training fees adding to my wealth.

After several more suggestions were made for Jon, I realised I had to do something. I dropped a pad on the table to grab attention.

"No," I said. "Nothing like that is going to happen. What will happen is you will tell your wife that you have doubled your retirement fund."

It was right there on that day that I knew I had to commit 100% to helping Jon, everyone in the room, and everyone I would meet in the future.

There could be no half-hearted effort. I had to be 100% committed

I had to do everything to ensure Jon's retirement fund was restored. Anything less on my part would make me no better than the slippery individuals who had relieved me of many $1,000s in so-called training fees.

Now, stick around with me here because you need to know what happened to Jon

His story had a bizarre twist, and things didn't work out as Jon or I expected.

Holding these live trading courses certainly pumped up the adrenalin. This played a large part in discovering a higher understanding of market movement at an individual trader level.

At first, I couldn't believe this was true, so I tested it live on everyone in the room; it worked on every attendee every time.

Once you learn about this, you will, like me, realise this solves a huge problem for all traders.

This problem is serious because it causes traders to enter the market right where they are most vulnerable, get stopped out, and then see their trades go in the direction they initially anticipated.

Worse still, even though they see the market moving in line with their original trading decision, they cannot re-enter the market out of fear. This problem keeps traders staring at their screens, unable to act on what would be highly profitable trades

The solution to this problem also provided the means to develop a powerful way to teach this to other traders, whether they were sitting with me or not.

It was incredible. I was now able to help any trader regardless of experience. I started doing just that online. The feedback has been amazing. It made me even more committed to delivering on the promise.

When Jon confessed to those huge losses. It was the trigger that brought everything together. The truth about successful trading was fully realised. I will share this with you now...

The problem we face as traders differs from what we think it is

  • We have been lied to

  • We have been deceived

  • We have been misled

  • We have been used as pawns

This lie that you and I have been sold is quite sinister

This very dark side of trading takes billions of dollars out of traders' pockets and causes severe stress and mental harm to others.

The most potent and destructive force contained in this lie is its power to transfer to other traders. Traders are so deceived by the lie that they unknowingly promote it to other traders in everyday conversation.

This lie is pivotal to the well-documented fact that 95% of traders lose money and end up quitting the business. That's just how important this is.

Like all good lies, this one contains an element of truth

The current lie you are likely trading started as truth in Japan sometime in the 18th century. Back then, rice traders developed a way to work with genuine supply and demand. They manually drew rice charts that resembled candles. These charts represented the truth. That truth was the genuine supply and demand regarding rice.

On arrival into the West, the truth transitioned into a lie. The lie became an unstoppable force because of the human trait of pattern association.

The human mind can't resist pattern creation and recognition

Now, don't get me wrong, patterns are a good thing in everyday life. Patterns are how we make sense of our world. Without the pattern association program in our minds, we would soon be reduced to gibbering wrecks unable to open a door.

To better understand how powerful pattern recognition is, look at this image below.

pattern trading
pattern trading

You are unaware of what your mind is doing now; it just happens.
This is the main reason why 95% of traders fail

The moment you saw this slide, your brain said the image is a white triangle despite the fact it's actually three small black circles with sections removed.

Look at this next one

Trading Patterns
Trading Patterns

Your brain says this is a panda, yet it's a series of different shapes that your mind unconsciously assembles into a recognisable pattern.

The irony is that failing as a trader is not your fault.

You are not to blame. It's how your pattern-seeking brain functions.

However, there is also a sinister side to this

Your very human trait of pattern creation is being exploited by a select group of people as you try to trade financial markets.

Trading has become an ocean of technical analysis, charts, timeframes, and indicators, which all add to the deception. This deception culminates in the market makers' manipulation of pattern-seeking minds. They do this to run THEIR business.

I'll repeat that. It's important... THEIR BUSINESS

Most traders are just unknown victims of a system organised to extract money from them over time.

You can win occasionally to keep yourself in the system, just like when you are playing slots in Las Vegas. You get the dopamine hit, and then you go with another coin and place another trade. All the while, just like the slots, the trading odds are manipulated and not in your favour. You are led into placing more trades using the tools and techniques freely provided. Like the free drinks, you get in Vegas while feeding the casino.

You have been sucked into this lie with free charting software, free accounts and free training.

Have you ever stopped to consider that in a five billion dollar-a-day business, everything needed to extract money is provided to you for free?

The good news is that once you see the lie about successful trading and examine the truth, your mind starts to open. You become less susceptible to being used and less susceptible to being a pawn by the market makers. You begin to see the lie of the white triangle and the truth of the three black circles.

This opens up an incredible opportunity that I will reveal in a moment

OK, now that you know the truth about how you are manipulated by the market makers using candle patterns and your pattern-seeking mind, you are, to a significant part, starting to get ahead of the game here.

Let me give you a three-step tip you can use right away

Step 1:

The next time you look at a market chart, become acutely aware of what you are thinking and what you see. Have a notepad handy and write your thoughts down.

I'd like for you to write the question. What is making me think this way?

By the way, there are other things you can do in addition to these three, and I will get to those in a moment.

Step 2

Look again at your chart and notice how your mind is drawn to specific points on the chart. These points will be your pattern triggers. These triggers will then form a pattern of an expected outcome in your mind.

On your notepad, answer the question. Why am I drawn to these trigger points?

Step 3

Is to read your notes from steps 2 and 3. Remain acutely aware of your mind processing this information, and you will gain insight into the most powerful trading indicator on the planet, which I will now demonstrate to you.


When thinking about the future, it's essential to understand that you, as a trader, will only place a trade once you have created an image, a BELIEF about the future. An imagined future where the market has moved in the direction favourable to your desired outcome.

Now, think about this process as a whole...

The chart on your trading screen creates a BELIEF that you can predict the future and profit from that information. A pattern on a computer screen triggers this automatic human decision process to help you place trades that benefit the market makers.

Like the slots, you are allowed to win from time to time to keep you playing and trading.

If you're looking for a genuine solution to ensure your future success as a trader, you're in the right place.

When I started on this journey, I looked at the old-timers. I looked at how the great traders of the past made their millions. I looked at what made them successful. I discovered there was one thing that none of them had and one thing they all had

None of them had computers and candle patterns. They had the Ticker tape

The ticker tape revealed a truth that they understood. That constant stream of ticking prices revealed the BUSINESS MODEL of the market makers.

Those who detected the manipulation went on to make their millions. These were great traders who were recorded in history for their incredible wealth.

What happened to Jon?

Well, it was strange. About nine months after his course, he called me.

He said, "I just wanted to let you know that I am quitting trading" Before I could get another word out, he said

"It's OK. Everything worked out great. Last week, I topped out at just under $100,000. I got all our retirement money back with some interest and even paid for your course."

As he was chuckling, I asked.

"Why quit?"

He paused for a moment and then said.

"It's just not for me. Honestly, I don't get any joy from trading. Once I got my money back, I lost interest. Maybe I'll pick it up later on."

We finished our call, which was the last I heard from Jon.

He got his $100,000 and that was it. It was an ending that I certainly didn't expect. I would have loved it to have been at least $200,000 for him and his wife.

You may have a goal like Jon for a certain amount of money, or you want an ongoing career as a trader and keep the money open-ended. What I'm saying here is that success means different things to different people. Ultimately it's your call

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This was a great book. Been trading for a while and this was a great refresher on the basics and why they are so important. Thanks

