PAT A TradingView indicator that delivers

Martin Cole Trader Pat indicator

You can't beat being talked about!

Bad news on the internet spreads faster than the bugs on a carcase and sticks like '$#T" to a blanket.

I've been on the internet almost since its inception - No bugs! No '$#T" You can probably work that out for yourself why not.

Martin Cole - Professional Trader Since the 1990s

What can you achieve this coming week

Your tomorrow looks like this with the PAT indicator on your charts.

Enter email below to see what your trading future looks like

Pat indicator TradingView

History - The 1990s

Demystifyng trading for traders since the 1990s

Hands on Guidance

It's a lot easier with a professional guiding you on the right path

My Mother used to say...

The proof is in the pudding. Talk is cheap. Always walk the walk


Because now I'm retired so I have nothing to hold back

Martin Cole

Decades of experience

PAT Indicator for TradingView

PAT indicator for TradingView

Professional Trader Training

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Learning To Trade Currencies
Learning To trade Financial Markets
Professional Trader Training Course

Guidance by a professional Trader - Priceless!

Getting your mind right for trading should be your top priority

Below are some areas to focus on

Mind Works
Mind Works
Mind Works